In our daily work the client comes to us with a problem of his body and he/ she also brings his psyche with him. We are trained to diagnose the structural and functional problems of the body. The psychological side we tend to see as not our terrain. Following Damasio’s work we see that the emotional side of the psyche originates from the body. So to follow Still’s first principle: the bodily human is a functional unity, we have to aim to unite the emotional and psychological issues, with the body and to see its origin in the body. This is were the Electro Magnetic Fields come into play. These fields are an important way in which the body transfers its information to the brain for further processing.
The second principle of Osteopathic Medicine, as stated by A.T.Still, is Structure and Function are reciprocally influential. Sutherland and Still also stated that Function precedes Structure. Through the structure we can come to understand the function. Our palpation is the starting point. Function is Fluid movements, Elecricity, Electromagnetic Fields, etc. To learn these Functions we need to speak the languages of Physics, Biophysics, Quantum Mechanics, Biochemistry, etc. General Medicine has developed into a molecular science, while Osteopathic Medicine is still a science about the tissues. When we expand our knowledge to the domain of the molecules and cells, our palpation will become more refined and our diagnostics will improve.
We are used to looking for the Symptomatology (What do I have) and Causality (How did I get it) of a client. Our recognition of the Originality of the client (Why do I have this), depends on this knowledge about the function of cells, fields and time. This can be compared to the First principle of Still: the bodily human is a dynamical functional unity of body (symptom), mind (cause) and spirit (origin).
How do we approach this principle in 2012?? We can analyse this on different levels of physics: Tissue (Body), Electricity (Mind) and EMF, Light(Spirit). In Eastern Medicine the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body are well known. Still spoke about Osteopathic Medicine as being about anatomy, anatomy, anatomy and physiology, physiology and physiology. This can be expanded towards the anatomy and physiology of the electrical, electromagnetic and light “bodies” or fields. When we apply this “field theory” to Osteopathic Medicine, this means that our examination and observations change.
When we incorporate the aspect of Time (the 4th dimension) in our diagnostics, through studying Morphodynamics and Embryology, we get an idea of the function and the underlying principles of life and health. By studying these domains, we can see the consistency in the change, we can derive the function out of the structure. In this way the Phylontogeny of the ANS, Sleep or Consciousness helps us understand the underlying principles of Life so we can get to the third principle of Still: “find the Health”. Is the self-healing principle on a informational/ epigenetic/ light level??
Now that we have a four dimensional picture on different planes of what we have under our hands we come to the next level:
What is Consciousness, Being Aware, Mindfull?? This is important in our work as Therapists. Also from Quantum Mechanics comes the “observer principle”. What we palpate and the Mental Images that come to us, are influenced by our own back ground: “Know thyself, before judging another”!! Is the origin of this sensation mine or the other?? This “Mindsight” process takes us into the depths of ourselves and the others. We have to live Osteopathy. It is not a 9 to 5 job, but a way of seeing the world around us and ourselves.
Sander Kales, D.O.
Location:Hamburg, Deutschland
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