donderdag 13 januari 2011

Guiseppe Vitiello

My body doubled

Vitiello states that memory capacity is a result of the possible different ground states in the vacuum. Each ground state is a memory. So he shifts the storage of memory from the electromagnetic level to the quantum level.
The memory recording he describes as follows: both the brain and the quantum level (which are the same, but on different levels) are in a ground state. Than a symmetry breaking occurs and energy dissipates (you see a cat running). The dissipation changes the ground state and is recorded in the vacuum. There are a lot of different ground states possible: hence the memory capacity is huge. 

Recollection of the memory than occurs through bringing the brain in the same state as it was in when the memory was recorded. This makes it possible to read that specific ground state and recollect the memory.

So the second thing Vitiello does is not limiting memory to brain tissue. This coincides with Body Medicine where you know that touching an area can trigger a recollection of events (which where recorded in the vacuum!!!) And the body states makes it possible to read the vacuum.

From My Double Unveiled:
 Now we see how the dissipative quantum dynamics leads to a dynamic organization of the memories in space (i.e. in their domain of localization) and in

time (i.e. in their persistence or life-time).

dinsdag 11 januari 2011

Alan Wallace

Last week I watched a TV documentary about Allan Wallace:

What interested me here is that the stream of consciousness that can be experienced through practice of Samadhi, is comparable to a Quantum Level. 
But there is something beyond the Quantum Level which is the state of Bliss which can constantly be experienced. 

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